Detached Duty

What is Detached Duty?

Detached duty is a fund established by the Board for the purpose of promoting the professional development of the teaching staff of the Burnaby School District. It is controlled and administered by the Detached Duty Committee, which consists of three Board representatives and three members of the Burnaby Teachers’ Association. The Detached Duty Secretary is one of the Burnaby Teachers’ Association’s representatives on the Committee.

Apply for Detached Duty

Any member of the Burnaby Teachers’ Association presently employed in School District #41 as a full-time or part-time continuing contract teacher may apply. This includes temporary contract teachers during the term of their contracts.

Conferences and workshops should be relevant to the applicant’s current teaching assignment.

All applications need to be received by the Detached Duty secretary by the committee meeting date 4-6 weeks prior to the conference or workshop.

**The Online Detached Duty Application is now located in the Burnaby Staff Portal. You will find the link in the Human Resources Section under BTA. Then scroll down to Professional Learning/Development.

Detached Duty Online Form

Detached Duty Online Application Power Point

Detailed instructions on how to apply for Detached Duty Reimbursements

Detached Duty Reimbursement Slides

How to Use Atrieve for Reimbursement

Process for Detached Duty

Detached Duty “5 Step Process” Updated Oct 27/23

Detached Duty Brochure

Detached Duty Brochure April 2022

Detached Duty Committee Meeting Dates

23/24 Detached Duty Meeting Dates