New Teachers

Welcome to the Burnaby Teachers’ Association New Teachers area of our website. Burnaby is a great place to work. The Burnaby Teachers’ Association and the BC Teachers’ Federation offer important resources and supports that can benefit your teaching career.

Here is a little bit about your local union: the Burnaby Teachers’ Association has over 2000 members, we are the fourth largest local of the BC Teachers’ Federation, behind only Surrey, Vancouver and Coquitlam. We have a long proud history of activism…we have documents referencing our association that go back 100 years (before it was even recognized as a union)! Locals are responsible for managing the affairs of members, including but not limited to Human Resource (HR) related matters, grievance, Pro-D and local bargaining.

We have a New Teachers’ Induction Ceremony yearly and welcome all new teachers to attend; this practice will resume when COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.

Each school site is allotted at least one Staff Rep who is supported to answer most questions you may have. Staff Reps attend monthly Representative Assembly meetings (RAs) and should be up to date on issues, as well as be able to bring any concerns you have to these RAs. TOCs are allotted staff reps as well, if you would like to become a TOC staff rep.

New teachers who are TOCs can find the ‘TOC New Hire Handbook’ below.

Information & Documents: